

In the twenty-first century we seldom find time to pause…for without “think time” we are merely subjects of our reactions to things and others. Blogging Einstein invites a moment to ponder….to reflect… to disagree… to discuss… and then go beyond…

These are the observations and revelations, the words and thoughts of esteemed thinkers.

Nanette L. Avery lives outside Nashville in the beautiful state of Tennessee.  Novelist and short story writer, best known for her historical fiction, Orphan in America. Her nickname Nan is a palindrome and her favorite pastime is watching international films with a glass of red wine. #amwriting #yogaNana

56 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for following my blog. I hope you will enjoy my thoughts, feelings, and photos about my life in Russia.It’s nice to see someone blog with some intelligence. I like to provoke others to think and question the world around them. I’m not sure there are many of us out there. Maybe I’m wrong but what I’m seeing in this homogenous world and societies, are that critical thinkers are not very welcome. It’s become a world of lemmings.

    • Hi Nanette L. Avery,

      Hello! Regarding your blog as a place of “Observations and revelations of Einstein and other esteemed thinkers”, I would like to concur with Steve (archecotech), who finds it “nice to see someone blog[ging] with some intelligence” and “like[s] to provoke others to think and question the world around them”, although he himself seems to have stopped blogging since the end of 2017.

      With respect to Steve’s sentence “what I’m seeing in this homogenous world and societies, are that critical thinkers are not very welcome”, I certainly and fervently hope that my blog has in some ways contributed to making the world and societies more heterogeneous, and that my very detailed post entitled “The Quotation Fallacy” has encouraged and welcomed more people to be “critical thinkers”. The said post is available at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2017/10/18/the-quotation-fallacy/

      Happy December to Nanette and Steve very soon!

  2. Hi Nanette! You’re welcome. I was scanning through recent ‘philosophy’ posts and yours caught my attention! I think I will subscribe to your blog as I like your style 🙂 Stay in touch! Steven

  3. Very interesting blog! Nice to see one with substance for a change. Too many blogs these days are nothing more than Facebook with an address; they should be called “blahogs.”

  4. I agree with the about. It is almost only since being made redundant that I have come to stop and realise what is important. Hopefully you hwave helped others to stop and think. Thanks so much for liking my own about page and hopefully you will be back to scan the simple posts that I stick up every now and then. MM 😉

  5. Hi, and thank you for the clicks on my site! I look forward to seeing what is said here. A friendly hello and a good day to you ~Scott

  6. Just in case no one has mentioned it today… You are a class act and a talented educator.
    I appreciate all the, obvious, effort you put into your posts. They are always concise and highly informative without being pedantic. And, most importantly for myself, fun to read.
    Oh, if you ever decide to take requests, let me know! 🙂


    • Rohan, Your words are so generous; thank you for your amazing complement. I too am enjoying your treasure of beautiful photographs…you are a gifted artist. And yes, send along any suggestion, it would most certainly be welcomed!
      Regards, Nanette

  7. Reading through the comments on this page, I would have to agree, little enough critical thinking all around. I speak almost daily with a former steel worker in England who would put many to shame, if he had the language and mannerisms of the well educated. The smart, young people I work with as part of an engineering team (and they are pretty smart) don’t even seem to grasp the concept of critical thinking and debate . A good liberal arts education seems to have little value today. Your blog is refreshing, to say the least.

    • Robert, your words are greatly appreciated, thank you! It is comforting to know there are others that enjoy much of the same kind of thinking that I do…not necessarily to agree; but rather to ponder, add ideas, observations, experiences… or ‘agree to disagree’… again, thank you for reading my posts. I enjoy your excellent work through your posts, too! Regards!

    • I am humbled by your nomination. Thank you! I want you to know that your posts are a delight for they have provided me with an education into your realm of the world with informative text and beautiful imagery!

  8. Gonna be cheeky and put in requests. Just a few.
    William Wilberforce, Frederick Douglas, Nikolaus Copernicus, Walt Whitman, Booker T Washington, James Watt.

  9. Regarding your comment to my post, “A little Soured” I wanted to thank you, as personally as I am able, on your page. To me, it seems appropriate. This is your home turf, as it were.
    It is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Heck! it’s nicer than anything I have ever said to me! AND to quote Goethe, well…
    Whoever your family and friends are, they are VERY fortunate to have you in their story. I know this.
    Thank you….

  10. Don’t know what the issue was. Been having a few probs with WP … Posts not showing up and other annoyances. A couple of my few followers have sent emails after I sent invites. I have been using WP via an app om my Ipad. I understand this may be the problem. Anyway, I hope this sorts itself out, kinda frustrating. Just in case my email is Rohanico@gmail.com.

  11. Hi Nanette,

    Thanks for “Liking” my post, that led me to your blog.

    I have been reading your posts, pretty interesting, and something different.

    I’ll be following your thoughts.


  12. Nanette,
    Thanks so much for showing an interest in our photography, I have enjoyed the parts of your blog that I’ve had time to read. Very interesting . Joey is in The Netherlands right now so our postings have been a little slower than normal. Look forward to more of your blog.


  13. Navery, been wanting to ask you if you would be willing to do a post on my blog. If you are please contact me. Your insight and intellect are so refreshing I’d love to have you as a guest blogger. Thanks for considering.

    • Belsbror, thank you for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! I truly appreciate you kind recognition! It is an honor to have a fellow blogger find credence in ones work! Best regards!

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